學生基本資料登錄   [Enter personal information]

學生基本資料輸入     [未曾登錄同學,請務必先執行此一選項]

Students who have not taken this course in previous semesters must enter their personal log and fill out basic information online prior to attending the seminar.

書報討論場次登錄   [Register for seminars]

1.學生選擇出席場次   2. 查詢個人出席狀況    3.修改個人資料     4. 更改密碼   
Select seminar and other options : 1.Select seminars. 2. Query attending. 3.Modify personal information. 4.Change password.   


Please ensure that all your personal information is complete and correct (students who fail to enter their personal information will not be able to register for the seminar online.

書報討論選場及計分說明   [Attendance and Scoring for the seminar]



書報討論課程運作說明  Regarding seminar courses

書報評分原則(Scoring Rules):
Please read the scoring instructions in the left column.
第一次選場:書報討論選場次時間為 112.09.13(週三) 中午12:30至晚上24:00
Primary Selection (I):2023.09.13(Wed.)12:30~24:00
第二次選場:書報討論選場次時間為 111.09.14(週四) 中午12:30至晚上24:00
Secondary Selection (II):2023.09.14(Thu.)12:30~24:00


專題演講資料查詢   [Seminar information]

查詢各場次演講時間、地點、講者個人資料、講題等 Query  seminar information

管理人員登錄        [Administrator]

系統維護  System maintain